TOP Year 2024      .       3 Mins Walk to MRT      .      


One Bedroom From $700K Up
3 Minute Walk to Canberra MRT Station
Register VIP Preview / Book Showflat Viewing Slot

We present here a preview of the Commodore condo upcoming launch. The Commodore will be the latest new low-rise 5-storey residential development along Canberra Drive. This project is being built by Oasis Development Pte Ltd, which is a joint venture between JBE Holdings Group and Keong Hong Holdings Limited.

The Commodore at Canberra has the attraction of being one of the most affordable upcoming launches within a short walk of an MRT station. It is around 3 minutes walk to Canberra station (with a proposed sheltered linkway to it). This station lies on the North-South line, 10 stops from Orchard Road, and 14 stops from Raffles Place.

The Commodore at Canberra . Singapore

The Commodore at Canberra . Singapore

The project will offer one bedders for sale, unlike Watergardens next door where the smallest were two bedders. This will cater to buyers on a very tight budget starting from $700K up.

It is difficult to find new private homes for sale now on that kind of price range, especially so close to an MRT station. So it is highly likely that these will sell out at the launch, especially on the back of pent-up demand.

The Commodore Site . Location Map

The Commodore Site . Location Map

Oasis Development topped the bidding for the Commodore condo site under URA’s Government Land Sale (GLS) program in March 2020.

This particular parcel was forested empty land previously. It sits between Sembawang Springs Estate on the one side, and the new Canberra Vista HDB precinct on the other.

Compared to the Canberra Vista HDB flats, Sembawang Springs by contrast is an established low-rise landed enclave. It forms part of the sprawling landed housing estate that extends across Sembawang Road as well, clustering around Sembawang Shopping Centre.


The Commodore Singapore . The Project

The 5-storey high Commodore at Canberra will help to transition the housing profile from the 10-storey high HDB blocks on the east, to the one to three storey high houses on the west.

The Commodore at Canberra Site Aerial View . GLS Land Parcel A

The Commodore at Canberra Site Aerial View . GLS Land Parcel A

Character-wise though, it belongs to the private residential enclave, given its low-density nature and low-rise profile.

The Commodore condo itself is not a very big development, with only 219 units. But together with The Watergardens next door that is just launched recently to enthusiastic demand (selling 60% of its 448 units at the launch alone), it should be a welcome addition to the neighbourhood.

The Commodore Condominium . Main Pool

The Commodore Condominium . Main Pool

Ever since Nautical opened for sale eight years ago, there were no new private home launches until Watergardens came along recently. The previous five had all been executive condos, with the last being Provence Residence across Canberra Link.

So like Watergardens, the Commodore at Canberra may attract buyers who are not eligible for executive condos or HDB flats, but would like a new home in the area. And especially for buyers looking for one bedders, since Watergardens does not offer that.

Commodore Condominium Garden by Night

Commodore Condominium Garden by Night

This location has plenty of growth potential as well.

Growth Plans for the North of Singapore

Growth Plans for the North of Singapore . Click to Expand


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    Locational Attributes . Click to Open / Close

    The Commodore @ Canberra . The Location

    This projects sits within the Sembawang district, in the Canberra precinct. Sembawang has tended to be characterised as somewhat inconvenient and remote in the past.

    North-South Corridor Map . Near The Commodore Condo

    North-South Corridor Map . Near The Commodore Condo

    However this is perhaps not so true today as it was before. Along with the extension of the MRT and expressway networks reaching out to all corners of the island, has come shorter travelling times.

    So much so that even the outer suburbs of Singapore are now reasonably accessible. To a great extent, that has also meant the loss of any ‘remote or rural’ areas we ever had.

    In this specific case, the Commodore condo is slightly under 30 minutes train ride from Orchard Road station, and slightly under 40 minutes ride from Raffles Place station. That is about the same timing as from the CBD to Upper Bukit Timah or Tampines.

    As for drivers, the North-South Corridor currently being built will do what the MRT has done for commuters. This is a new 21.5km long expressway running almost parallel with the CTE, to connect the northern region and Sembawang directly to the city centre.

    The North-South Corridor . Cross-Section of Expressway

    The North-South Corridor . Cross-Section of Expressway

    But unlike for the CTE, there is a more direct on-ramp to this expressway from Sembawang, which will cut travelling time to the rest of the island. The North-South Corridor is targeting to complete in 2026, and should lighten the traffic flow on the CTE as well.

    Amenities in the Area . Click to Open / Close

    The Commodore at Canberra . Supporting Amenities

    Sembawang is a mature estate quite well supported by amenities. There are a number of neighbourhood malls, with the nearest to the Commodore condo being Canberra Plaza.

    Canberra Plaza is fairly new, having recently opened. It is also pretty conveniently close by, about 6 minutes walk away and directly connected to Canberra MRT station. It houses 70 shops, spread across its three levels totalling 118,000 square feet of space.

    Whilst not very big, Canberra Plaza still manages to accommodate a mix of shops that cater to the basic needs. Besides the convenience of Fairprice supermarket and fast food chains such as KFC, A&W and McDonalds, it offers the usual F&B joints like Starbucks, cafes, Ya Kun, and a food court.

    Canberra Plaza at Canberra MRT Station

    Canberra Plaza near the Commodore Condo

    On top of that, we have bubble & fruit teas, a Daiso outlet, and services that include salons, and dental and medical clinics. The top floor is given over to enrichment centers such as a tuition centre, and language, ballet, and music schools.

    The other interesting place nearby is Bukit Canberra, currently under construction about 800 metres north up Canberra Drive. This is an integrated sports and community hub comprising several facilities, spread across the 12-hectare landscaped grounds of Admiralty Hill.

    The facilities include an indoor sports hall with 500 seats, a 1,500 square metre ActiveSG gym catering to all abilities, an eight-lane lap pool, a six-lane sheltered swimming pool, and 3 km of running trails winding around the hub.

    It will also incorporate healthcare options like a polyclinic. A senior care centre will provide rehabilitation and home-based services to elderly and frail residents.

    Bukit Canberra Integrated Hub on Admiralty Hill

    Bukit Canberra Integrated Hub on Admiralty Hill. Click to Expand

    Apart from sports and healthcare facilities, the hub is intended to bring together features that give residents a venue to relax and interact. Such as a hawker centre, a therapeutic garden, “fruit orchard” and “food forest” with edible crops, and community gardens.

    Admiralty Hill is actually quite a historic site. It is notable for the former Admiralty House, a heritage building built in 1940 for the British navy, and gazetted as a national monument in 2002.

    Admiralty House will be restored for use, in line with the intent of the hub to retain its natural heritage and greenery.

    Facilities set against backdrop of Admiralty House

    Facilities set against backdrop of Admiralty House

    Sembawang Park and Beach

    Sembawang Park and Beach . Near The Commodore at Canberra

    Project FactSheet

    Name The Commodore
    Developer JBE (Canberra) Pte Ltd
    Status Condominium (Foreigners eligible to buy)
    Address 59 Canberra Drive Singapore 769304
    61 Canberra Drive Singapore 769305
    63 Canberra Drive Singapore 769306
    65 Canberra Drive Singapore 769307
    67 Canberra Drive Singapore 769308
    69 Canberra Drive Singapore 769309
    District 27
    Site Area 13,315.3 m² (143,325 sq ft)
    Floor Area 18,641.42 m² (200,656 sq ft)
    Plot Ratio 1.4
    Tenure 99 Year Leasehold w.e.f. 8 June 2020
    Estimated TOP 31 December 2024
    No. of Blocks 6
    No. of Storeys 5
    No. of Units 219
    No. of Car Spaces 219 + 3 handicap-accessible + 55 bicycle
    Architect M.A.N. Architects LLP
    Landscape Architect Q.H. Design Studio
    M&E Consultant United Project Consultants Pte Ltd
    C&S Consultant P&T Consultants Pte Ltd
    Main Contractor Welltech Construction Pte Ltd
    Developer Solicitor WongPartnership LLP

    The Commodore Floor Plans

    Below are example floor plans.

    Please drop us a note via the Contact Form if you would like us to send you the Commodore brochure with the full set of floor plans.

    The Commodore Condo Floor Plans . Type A One Bedroom

    The Commodore Condo Floor Plans . Type A One Bedroom


    The Commodore Floor Plans . Type B2 2 Bedroom Premium + Study

    The Commodore Floor Plans . Type B2 2 Bedroom Premium + Study


    The Commodore Condo Floor Plan . Type C2 3 Bedroom Premium + Study

    The Commodore Condo Floor Plan . Type C2 3 Bedroom Premium + Study


    The Commodore Floor Plan . Type D2 4 Bedroom Premium + Study

    The Commodore Floor Plan . Type D2 4 Bedroom Premium + Study


    The Commodore Condominium . Garden Units

    The Commodore Condominium . Garden Units

    The Commodore Condo . Main Entrance

    The Commodore Condo . Main Entrance

    The Commodore Site Plan

    The site is a roughly rectangular-shaped plot of land, aligned in a north-south direction. It was previously forested ground, as can be seen from the map.

    West and north-west of the site, are the landed houses of Sembawang Springs Estate. These generally range from one to three storeys tall.

    Across Canberra Drive to the east of the site, is the new HDB precinct of Canberra Vista, that will be completing around 2024. This is slightly ahead of the expected Commodore condo TOP date.

    Canberra Vista will be around 10 storeys tall, not very high as HDB flats go. This is likely so that the HDB blocks here do not overwhelm their much shorter neighbours.

    By comparison the Commodore will five storeys high. This means that the higher floor units here facing the landed houses could enjoy unblocked views, but will get the west sun as well.

    North of the site is another small land parcel that is currently empty. However it is zoned for low-rise residential too, with a similar 1.4 plot ratio. If and when that gets sold, it will likely be another 5-storey high private condo.


    The Commodore Site Plan with Legend

    The Commodore Site Plan with Legend . Click to Enlarge

    The units in this project are set out in an almost north-south orientation. Which is good, as it minimises the heat from the afternoon sun, and helps to capture the prevailing monsoon winds, year round.

    Note that there is a side gate near the proposed covered linkway to the Canberra MRT station.

    The Commodore Condo . Pool and Dining Pavilion

    The Commodore Condo . Pool and Dining Pavilion

    The Commodore Condo . Communal Facilities

    The Commodore Condo . Communal Facilities

    Children's Playground

    Artist’s Impression . Children’s Playground

    The Commodore Showflat · Viewing

    The Commodore condo showflat will be launching for sale soon.

    Viewings slots will be available by appointment only, as there are limited slots due to the cap on numbers.

    Please drop us a note in the Contact Form if you wish to book a viewing slot for the VIP Preview.


    The showflat will showcase two unit types
    . 2 Bedroom . Type B3 . 69 sq m . 743 sq ft
    . 4 Bedroom . Type D3(PH) . 153 sq m (inclusive of void) . 1647 sq ft (inclusive of void)

    Artist's Impression . The Commodore Showflat . Living Room

    Artist’s Impression . The Commodore Showflat . Living Room

    Artist's Impression . Commodore Condo Showflat . Bedroom

    Artist’s Impression . Commodore Condo Showflat . Bedroom

    The Commodore Showflat . Finishes and Fittings

    The Commodore Showflat . Finishes and Fittings

    The Commodore Condo Showflat . Facilities Function Room

    The Commodore Condo Showflat . Facilities Function Room

    The Commodore Condo Prices · Unit Types

    The Commodore Prices . Unit Types & Sizes . Click to Open / Close


    Unit Description Type No. of
    Strata Area
    (sq m)
    Strata Area
    (sq ft)
    1 Bedroom A 25 43 463
    2 Bedroom B,B1 25 58 624
    2BR Premium + Study B2,B3,B4,B5 60 69 – 73 743 – 786
    3 Bedroom C1 20 90 969
    3BR Premium + Study C2 25 95 1,023
    4 Bedroom D1 19 110 1,184
    4BR Premium + Study D2,D3a,D4a 27 118 – 128 1,270 – 1,378
    4BR Exclusive + Study (Private Lift) D3,D4 8 132 – 133 1,421 – 1,432
    5BR Exclusive + Study (Private Lift) E1,D2 10 155 – 156 1,668 – 1,679
    Total Number of Units 219

    Floor areas stated includes any Voids, Patios, Balconies, Terraces, A/C Ledges.

    The Commodore at Canberra Prices & Maintenance Fees . Click to Open / Close


    The indicative Commodore pricing as at 6 November 2021 is listed below.

    Please let us know through the Contact Form if you wish to have the detailed specific prices of any particular unit, when available.

    Unit Description Strata Area
    (sq ft)
    Price Starts
    From (SGD)
    Estd Monthly
    1 Bedroom 463 $700K Up 5 $275 + GST
    2 Bedroom 624 $920K Up 6 $330 + GST
    2BR Premium + Study 743 – 786 $1.09xM Up
    3 Bedroom 969 $1.3xM Up
    3BR Premium + Study 1,023 $1.4xM Up
    4 Bedroom 1,184 $1.7xM Up 7 $385 + GST
    4BR Premium + Study 1,270 – 1,378 $1.8xM Up
    4BR Exclusive + Study (Private Lift) 1,421 – 1,432 $2.0xM Up
    5BR Exclusive + Study (Private Lift) 1,668 – 1,679 $2.3xM Up 8 $440 + GST
    Cost Background for this Project . Click to Open / Close

    The land for this site was sold in a URA tender in March 2020. It was one of two adjacent 99-year leasehold private residential sites in the tender.

    This one, Parcel A, attracted a total of five bids. Oasis Development, led by JBE Holdings in partnership with Keong Hong, snapped up the site at a top bid of SGD$129.2 million.

    (The adjoining site, Parcel B, is being launched by the UOL Group as The Watergardens at Canberra.)

    Under the URA Master Plan, this parcel is zoned at a plot ratio of 1.4 (the ratio of allowable gross floor area to land area). Based on the land area of 13,315.3 square metres or 143,325 square feet, permissible gross floor area here works out to 200,656 square feet.

    Which equates to a land cost of about $644 PSF PPR (per square foot per plot ratio). After adding all the necessary costs, such as for overheads, finance, development & construction, and marketing, the breakeven could come to about $1,250 PSF PPR.

    Assuming a margin of around 10 to 15%, Oasis could perhaps sell the units at an average of about $1,4xx PSF.

    The Commodore Condo Developer

    The developer for the Commodore Singapore is JBE (Canberra) Pte Ltd, a collaboration of JBE Holdings Group and Keong Hong Holdings Limited.

    Both are local companies, with a number of residential projects under their belt, including in the Sembawang area.

    Seaside Residences by Keong Hong and Frasers

    Seaside Residences by Frasers Property and Keong Hong

    Track Record of the Developers . Click to Open / Close


    About JBE Holdings Group (“JBE” or “the Group”)

    JBE Holdings was established in Singapore in 2004. Since then it has delivered a spectrum of projects ranging from executive condominiums, to private condos, and landed housing.

    In the course of that, it has remained committed to its key principles of building sustainability and quality homes.

    Examples of its work are The Luxe at Handy Road off Orchard Road, Luxe Ville at Pasir Panjang Road, Signature at Yishun and SkyPark Residences executive condominiums, and The Oasis of The North, which comprises several terrace houses.

    Luxe Ville by JBE Holdings Group . Developer for the Commodore Condo

    Luxe Ville by JBE Holdings Group


    About Keong Hong Holdings Limited (“Keong Hong” or “the Group”)

    Keong Hong has been established in Singapore since 1983, and listed on the Stock Exchange main board since 2016.

    The Group’s main business focus is in residential and hotel investment and development, and especially building construction.

    Its property development work includes executive condominiums such as the Amore in Punggol, Parc Life & Twin Waterfalls in collaboration with Frasers Centrepoint, and SkyPark Residences in Sembawang in partnership with JBE Holdings.

    It also collaborated with Frasers Centrepoint to deliver Seaside Residences, a private condo at East Coast that it completed recently. At present it is building the Antares condo beside Mattar MRT station, in another joint venture initiative.

    The Antares Condominium by Keong Hong Joint Venture

    The Antares Condominium by Keong Hong Joint Venture

    Keong Hong’s strong point is a long and solid track record in the construction of a wide mix of projects. These range from industrial to residential, institutional to commercial, and both public and private sector infrastructure work.

    Among its construction projects have been many for leading developers like Keppel Land, MCL Land, and Frasers Centrepoint. These include the Singapore Institute of Management, Sime Darby Performance Centre, IBIS Hotel, Martin Place Residences, 8 @ Woodleigh, The Parvis @ Holland Hill, Seaside Residences, and international projects like The Residence Maldives, and Kooddoo Airport in Maldives.

    The Group also develops and owns hotels and properties in Singapore, Maldives, and Japan.

    Keong Hong is helmed by a highly qualified and experienced management team with a staff strength of over 300. Over the last 30+ years, it has built a market reputation for its commitment to service and quality.

    The Commodore Condo Location · Summary

    The Commodore Location Map with Amenities

    The Commodore Location Map with Amenities . Click to Expand

    1. Location. The Commodore condo is located at Canberra Drive, inside Sembawang district.

      It lies on the fringe of a private residential estate, in between a HDB precinct and a landed housing enclave. On its south is The Watergardens at Canberra, a similar new low-rise condominium that will complete around the same time. To its east are the new 10-storey high Canberra Vista HDB blocks.

      To its north is a small plot of empty land that is zoned for a similar low-rise development. And on its west and north-west is Sembawang Springs Estate, comprising rows of low-rise landed houses.

    2. The Commodore Location . Site Map

      The Commodore Location . Site Map


    3. Supermarkets, F&B, Shops, Banks, Services. The Commodore condo location is within a mature housing estate. So it is fairly well provided with all the necessary shopping and dining amenities.

      Sembawang Shopping Centre is about 6 minutes walk away. This mid-sized mall has been around for quite a while. It is still popular, having undergone a refurbishment about 13 years ago. It comes with a few food and retail shops, as well as Daiso, and a Giant Hypermart for grocery shopping.

      Beyond that, lined up along Sembawang Road are several old coffeeshops that offer pretty good food too.

      For those who prefer a newer mall experience, there is Canberra Plaza about 6 minutes walk away, directly across and linked to Canberra MRT station. This 118,000 sq ft neighbourhood centre offers a Fairprice supermarket, plenty of F&B, lifestyle and services outlets, and kids’ enrichment centers.

      But for those who want more retail options, they can take the MRT one stop up to North Point City. This is the largest mall in the Yishun / Sembawang neighbourhood, in fact possibly in the north. It acts as a one-stop retail stop for almost everything from gadgets to clothes to food. It is even provided with a library, a community club, and a town plaza.

    4. Sports & Leisure Amenities. The Commodore at Canberra location is roughly 12 minutes walk along Canberra Drive to Admiralty Hill. Here one can find the Sembawang Integrated Hub, called Bukit Canberra.

      Bukit Canberra comprises a cluster of sports, leisure, and community facilities, spread across 12 hectares of elevated grounds at Admiralty Hill. There are gym and fitness studios, a senior care centre and polyclinic, fruit orchard, indoor sports hall, a swimming complex with outdoor and indoor pools, and plots for community farming.

      Bukit Canberra Integrated Hub in Sembawang

      Bukit Canberra Integrated Hub in Sembawang

      For a more laid back day out, residents can cycle or take a short ride up Sembawang Road to Sembawang Park and Beach. There still remains something of a rural charm around that area, and the beaches are less crowded.

    5. Parks in the Vicinity

      Parks in the Vicinity

    6. MRT Station. The Commodore location is about 200 metres in direct line, or 3 minutes walk, from the nearest exit of Canberra MRT station. From this station, a 30 minute train ride will bring residents to Orchard Road. An additional 10 minutes should take them to Raffles Place and Marina Bay.

    7. Accessibility. The Commodore condo location is actually more accessible than one might guess. A train ride to Orchard Road takes around half an hour.

      As for drivers, it currently takes about 35 minutes off-peak to get to Raffles Place via Seletar Expressway. However once the North-South Corridor is ready in 2026, it should be faster. With the nearest access point onto the highway nearer than at present, travel time then could possibly be cut to 25 minutes.

    The Upcoming North-South Corridor Expressway

    The Upcoming North-South Corridor Expressway


    Singapore Property Phone Number
    Developer units here are Sold Out. But do drop us a line if keen to buy resale units.

      (Fields marked with * need to be filled in. We respect your privacy and will not spam you.)

      Unit Type(s) Required
      1 Bedroom 1 Bedroom + Study 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms + Study 3 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms + Study 4 Bedrooms 5 Bedrooms or More

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